Hello, I'm
Brady Baldwin
I have a passion for research that helps better understand human cognition. Looking to improve the user experience through insights in Virtual Reality, digital media, and more.
Picture of Brady
I was born and raised in Salem, Oregon and completed my undergrad at Oregon State University with a double major in Psychology and New Media Communications. While at OSU I fostered a unique interest in the intersection between human cognition and virtual reality. I had the privilege of collaborating on several projects exploring this space, including work as a 3D modeler and Research Assistant for the Cognition and Action in Real and Virtual Environments (CARVE) Lab.
Customer Jounrney Map
After graduating from OSU in Spring of 2020 I decided to pursue further education in the HCI field by enrolling in the MHCI program at Carnegie Mellon University. While at CMU I took several HCI-focused courses tailored to increase my skills in research, design and programming. I developed familiarity with rapid prototyping and user testing, made use of many user research techniques including contextual inquiry and storyboarding In addition I worked as a research assistant in the CMU OH! Lab and served as lead researcher on an MCHI Capstone team. I graduated from CMU in the summer of 2021.
Featured Work
Pandemic Professors Capstone Project
MCHI Capstone Project partnering with Pandemic Professors to improve the efficency and quality of their Tutor/Student pairing process.
Fake News Detection Game
Worked with a team to design and prototype a persuasive intervention in the form of a social deduction game that teaches users how to think critically about online news articles.
User Research for Local Theater
Term-long research project conducted for a course at CMU with a small team. Focused on increasing donations for the Kelly-Strayhorn Theater in Pittsburgh.
Collaboration in VR Research Project
Led the prototyping team on a two-term VR-based project, working under the OH! Lab at Carnegie Mellon University.
Created by Brady Baldwin, 2021